Get the transcript of any YouTube video using Text Ape. In a nice format for quick reading.
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Get accurate video transcripts, smart navigation, concise summaries and more in one click - right on YouTube. Whether you're diving into research, cramming for exams, or creating content, we make life easier.
View and search full YouTube video transcripts. Perfect for in-depth research or when you need exact quotes.
Jump to exact moments using the timestamp system. Find the information you need, when you need it.
Save summaries to PDF or Google Docs. Integrate video insights into your workflow.
Get concise, actionable summaries of YouTube videos in a minimalistic interface right next to the YouTube video.
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Read summaries in your preferred language, regardless of the video's original language.
We are on Chrome store only for now. But if enough people start using Text Ape, we might build mobile apps.
Find that video you've been putting off. Long or short, in finance, tech or creator economy, Text Ape is ready to tackle it.
Get concise, actionable summaries of YouTube videos directly on the page. Quickly decide if a video is worth your time.
Use it for creating detailed notes, improving your Youtube video SEO or extracting quotes from Christian channels and more.
A lot of people are already using Text Ape. And they love it. It saves them time. And makes them more productive.
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"I used to spend hours watching educational videos on latest technology and statistical approaches in e-commerce data science space. Not anymore with the help of Text Ape."
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"Text Ape saves me hours of research work, when it comes to long form Youtube lectures on Cardiology and other related subjects! ♥️"
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"أقضي الكثير من الوقت في دراسة سوق الأوراق المالية، وخاصة شركات العقارات. لقد كان برنامج Text Ape مفيدًا للغاية في الاجتماعات السنوية لشركة Berkshire."