YouTube Video Summarizer in 1-click

Save time and boost productivity with instant video insights from Text Ape

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Abstract round shapes

Leave hours of Youtube behind.
Surf through video summaries instead.

Drowning in endless YouTube content? Struggling to extract value from hour-long videos? We've been there. That's why we built Text Ape.

In Text Ape watching videos is a breeze. With a click, you get razor-sharp summaries, pinpoint navigation, and community insights - all without leaving YouTube. It's like having a team of experts watching and analyzing videos for you.

Here's what Text Ape AI Youtube Video Summariser can do for you:

Summarise any videos you want

Get concise, actionable summaries of YouTube videos directly on the page. Quickly decide if a video is worth your time.

Timeline with Text Ape mascot showing YouTube timestamps (06:01, 17:23, 21:15) and emojis for analytics, financial thinking, and profits. Illustrates quick navigation to specific video content.

Navigate videos with timestamps

Jump to exact moments using the timestamp system. Find the information you need, when you need it.

Two Text Ape monkey avatars with speech bubbles showing top YouTube comments: "Super insightful!" (1200 likes) and "Helped with my research!" (110 likes). Demonstrates, how to summarize community feedback on Youtube videos using Text Ape.

Review top community comments

See what the community likes and dislikes about the video.

Text Ape's YouTube transcript generator feature, showing a full video transcript document beside the app's monkey mascot. Illustrates easy access to complete YouTube transcripts for in-depth research and accurate quoting.

Access full transcripts

View and search complete video transcripts. Perfect for in-depth research or when you need exact quotes.

Text Ape's monkey mascot sharing a YouTube video summary of a Huberman podcast, with a link to Demonstrates easy sharing of video insights across social platforms.

Share and discuss the insights

Send and discuss interesting video insights with friends and team mates.

YouTube video summary tool Text Ape showcasing multilingual support. Mascots greet in English, Spanish, and Turkish, with text indicating translations for YouTube summaries in Russian, Chinese, French, Japanese, German, Ukrainian, and more languages coming soon.

Use summaries in any language (soon)

Read summaries in your preferred language, regardless of the video's original language.

YouTube transcript generator Text Ape demonstrating export feature. Left: YouTube video summary with "Export to pdf" option. Right: Exported PDF file "Trnscpt.pdf". Text Ape mascot showcases ability to export YouTube transcripts and summaries for easy integration into workflows.

Export summary texts (soon)

Save summaries to PDF or Google Docs. Integrate video insights into your workflow.

People do *actually* like Text Ape
YouTube summaries

A lot of people are already using Text Ape. And they love it. It saves them time. And makes them more productive.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

"I used to spend hours watching educational videos on latest technology and statistical approaches in e-commerce data science space. Not anymore with the help of Text Ape."


Data Scientist, Zalando

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

"Text Ape saves me hours of research work, when it comes to long form Youtube lectures on Cardiology and other related subjects! ♥️"


Cardiologist, Charite

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

"أقضي الكثير من الوقت في دراسة سوق الأوراق المالية، وخاصة شركات العقارات. لقد كان برنامج Text Ape مفيدًا للغاية في الاجتماعات السنوية لشركة Berkshire."


VP, Real Estate Company

Transparent pricing

Two simple plans. One free. One paid, with 7-day free trial.


per month
  • 200 AI words per day
  • Unlimited PDF uploads
  • AI Autocomplete
  • Journal & web citations
  • AI editing commands