How to get a summary of a YouTube video
Sometimes you need to get the information from YouTube videos fast. And you don’t have the time to watch the entire thing. So here are three ways of how you can get a summary of a YouTube video.
Sometimes you need to get the information from YouTube videos fast. And you don’t have the time to watch the entire thing. So here are three ways of how you can get a summary of a YouTube video.
Text Ape uses Claude under the hood. And a chain of prompts. The quality is great.
Text Ape runs on Claude and custom prompts. The quality is solid. No tab switching, no copying transcripts, no hassle. Creators use summaries for social posts or a newsletter. Marketers use it for influencer research, competitive brand analysis and product review insights. And non-business folks can cut the time on long lectures.
Manual is the way I used to summarise videos. It is ok. But as a power user of my own tool, I find Text Ape more convenient (not surprising, eh?).
Here’s the manual way:
It works, but why make it harder?
If you're doing serious work with content production and research, Text Ape will save you hours. Want to give Text Ape a try? Here is a link to Text Ape in the Chrome Store.
Thank you for reading!
~ Marie
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